Our story
My name is Tarryn and I’m a Mum to two beautiful, amazing kids, Jack - forever 18 years old and Tayla who is 16.
My beautiful son, Jack, was killed in a preventable car crash in our hometown of Collie in the South West of WA.
20 seconds and 700m was all it took for the driver responsible to take Jack’s life at a roundabout. In a blink of his beautiful blue eyes, Jack’s life was over.
Losing Jack has changed my life in ways that only people walking in my shoes will understand.
No one should have to endure the pain and suffering that has been forced upon us.
I share Jack’s story and my journey in the hope of bringing people together and to help save lives, both on and off our roads.

Tarryn's reflections
Today has been a day
Sleepless nights and anxiety have heightened my grief in such a way I feel like the wind has been knocked from my sail. My heart feels heavier than it normally does. The ache I carry every day hurts so much more. I’ve been blindsided by a massive way. Today, I’m missing my beautiful boy even…
Read MoreHumbling to share our story
Today we met with Senior Constable Mike Smith from Bridgetown. I first met Mike at the OIC Conference in Bunbury last month where he talked to me about a Mystery Tour of Life, he has been involved in over the past several years in Bridgetown. The program is attended by Year 10 students and is…
Read MoreThe heaviness in my heart
The heaviness in my heart today is immeasurable. The anxiety leading up to this day has been overwhelming and it doesn’t matter how many years have passed, it’s the same every year. Today my beautiful Jack would be 23. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of what he’d be doing…
Read MoreThank you for your service
Yesterday, we were absolutely humbled and honoured to have met District Superintendent Geoff Stewart. District Superintendent Geoff Stewart was away from the district for our Official Introduction and asked if he could meet with us when he returned. In his absence Acting Superintendent Scott Morrissey attended and it was an absolute pleasure to have met…
Read MoreThank you for your support
I feel so honoured Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner and Senior Sergeant Heath Soutar were our guest speakers at our Official Introduction on Saturday along with our guest Terry Townsend. These 3 men have played different roles in my life and I am extremely grateful for them all. Heath came into my life a couple…
Read MoreFriday was one of those days
There are so many moments when I find myself struggling to breathe, Friday was one of those days. In February I finally mustered up the courage to get a space made for Jack’s ashes. Friday, I picked it up. There was a heaviness I felt in my heart on the drive there. So many emotions…
Read MoreToday I’m not ok and that’s ok
I’m tired……..I’m overwhelmed………I’m angry and I’m just so sad. My heart hurts………….I want my Jacky Boy back and I can’t have him back. This is my grief, and it sucks. This is what it looks and feels like when someone has destroyed your whole world!!!! No one knows the struggles we face behind closed doors…
Read MorePeople who show you your light
When your soul has been ravaged with such intense excruciating pain and you think you will never come out of the darkness there are certain people who show you your light. Early Wednesday morning, I was sipping my morning coffee when my phone rang. The phone startled me, at first, I thought I had won…
Read MoreNational Road Safety Week
This week, 16th-23rd May is National Road Safety Week. My family and I have suffered at the hands of Road Trauma but never in a million years did I ever think my beautiful boy would become a statistic and we’d be forced to try and live our life without him. In 2017 Jack became the…
Read MoreMother’s Day
A day to celebrate the beautiful Mum’s in our life and a day to look at the beautiful babies we created and feel absolutely blessed. If only it wasn’t so bittersweet for so many people. No matter the circumstances of your life, no matter how long it has been, the pain is always present. Even…
Read MoreMoments I am grateful for
There are always going to be moments I hold close to my heart, moments that I am grateful for despite the heart-breaking life I live now. On Jack’s Poker Run, I had a moment with a lovely young lady I am so grateful to have met. I was sitting down at our last stop of…
Read MoreI remember every moment of today
Today, 28th April, 4 years ago, I saw, touched and kissed my beautiful boy’s face for the very last time. I remember the moment the funeral director’s car pulled into our driveway. I remember watching as Jack’s coffin was carefully taken from the back of the hearse. I remember holding my breath as I fought…
Read MoreI don’t know where to begin.
Jack’s anniversary always brings such immense sadness that it takes days and sometimes weeks to pull myself out of the black hole of grief. The last 2 weeks have been difficult. Devastatingly, 2 precious young boys recently lost their lives on our roads and this weekend, we have lost 2 more precious lives and 3…
Read MoreToday’s mindfulness
Today’s mindfulness, taking 5 minutes out of my walk to just sit and watch the ducks. Walking brings calmness and peace to my chaotic mind. It reminds me to breathe. It reminds me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. There are some days I walk with a clear mind. Other days…
Read MoreMy chest feels tight
My chest feels tight, I have a lump in my throat, swallowing seems impossible and each breath I take feels like I’m gasping for air. I can’t breathe. This is how I feel most days but it’s even more heightened today, the day Jack’s life was taken from him. I can’t focus, my brain feels…
Read MoreNobody told me
It seems appropriate to share this today. A friend shared this with me the other day, she said she thought of me when she read it. We’ve never met each other in person but our paths crossed after a Facebook post I wrote (after the driver who took Jack’s life, was sentenced) was shared. We’ve…
Read MoreWelcome to our HEART Hub
Hello everyone, I think it’s time I introduced myself. My name is Tarryn and I’m a Mum to two beautiful, amazing kids, Jack – forever 18 years old and Tayla who is 15. Before my world fell apart, I was a Swimming Instructor of 8 years, part owner of a swim school in my hometown…
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