I Don’t like Christmas
12 December 2024
The moment life begins to slow down, and the workload eases, there comes a huge wave of grief that knocks me to the ground. I woke up today with the heaviest of hearts. Huge feelings of overwhelm and huge emotions.
God, I’m feeling it all.
I don’t like Christmas; and I don’t like moving into a new year.
I wish I could hide away from the world and reappear in February when life gets busy again and distracts me for brief moments from the pieces of my heart that are missing, my beautiful Jack and brother Chadd.
I know how hard holidays are for those grieving and I know some of our Heart Hub families will be experiencing their first Christmas without their loved one and my heart hurts for them all.
I’m mad at the world today and the unfairness of it all.
It’s hard to navigate loss every single day and it can be even harder to navigate during the holidays.
So today I send hugs to all our Heart Hub families and those who need it.
Posted in Tarryn's story
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