When you have experienced a traumatic event such as a road crash or losing a loved one in a road crash it can feel like you are barely functioning. Your brain is in overdrive, replaying events over and over. At any stage overwhelm and anxiety feels like it’s going to consume you.
When our body and our brain receive a shock, such as experiencing trauma, or witnessing a traumatic event, it sends messages from the front part of the brain to the rear, releasing stress hormones and triggering our flight, fright, freeze response and it can be very difficult to function in this state.
Mindfulness is bringing awareness to the present moment. Being aware of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment through a gentle, calm and non-judgemental internal lens.
Accepting where we are in the current moment and tuning into our current state whilst engaging in practices that reduces stress, anxiety, grief and overwhelm, turning off our flight, fight, freeze. response and return our body and mind to a calm state.
We provide free minduflness workshops to support emotional well-being. Some workshops we have recently held include:
- Meditation & Breathwork
- EFT (Tapping) for Anxiety
- Sound Healing
- Essential Oils for both Adults and Children
- Art from the Heart
- Foraged Foliage Arrangement
- Qigong
If you'd like to join us for some mindfulness you can find all information and booking forms for our upcoming workshops here.
If you would like to facilitate a workshop, please don't hesitate to contact us.