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Margaret River – Strength in Choices

Today, I was asked to be a guest speaker at Margaret River Senior High School’s – Strength in Choices – Teen Safety and Wellbeing Workshop.
Sharing Jack’s story and my journey of road trauma is never easy, it brings me back to that moment when my whole world fell apart. But it’s my hope that by telling Jack’s story, I might save a life and spare other families from the heartache my family and I carry every day. A special thank you to Renee Kittle (School Health Nurse) for her support, and to the staff at Margaret River Senior High School for their warm welcome. This essential initiative offered by MRSHS to its students wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated support of WAPOL, Sergeant Simone Taplin, Margaret River Fire, and St John Ambulance, who generously volunteer their time to educate and help keep their young community safe.
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Support centre open Monday by appointment only (except public holidays), Tues 12 - 4pm, Wed & Thurs 10am - 3pm

Unit 10, 13 Forrest Street, Collie

Phone support available Tuesday - Thursday 11am - 3pm on 0480 302 695

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